Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Wretch D'Vorah
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Diamond Outworld Attack: 1350

Health: 1350

Toughness: 1325

Recovery: 1125

Power Gen: 120%

N/A Outworld Diamond Pack, Elite Outworld Pack


Like all of D'Vorah's other variations, she excels at dealing poison damage to other enemies. As a Diamond character, she possesses the highest stats out of other D'Vorah characters. As such, her high damage can enable an easy knockout, which causes the other two opponents to suffer an unrelenting, infinite poison DOT that can't be rinsed, resulting in a permanent healing disable. Note that her passive can only activate once and on the first knockout she deals. Her Special 1 is an unblockable grapple that can deal poison, which can stack with the poison that is dealt by her passive. Her Special 2 can inflict snare onto her opponent unblocked, which can help secure a knockout in case her victim tries to escape.

All other teammates paired with her can deal extra critical damage against poisoned foes which can be improved with either Black Dragon Training for extra critical chance or Lin Kuei Tutorage for extra crit damage.

Recommended Talents[]

On the player's side, her passive can be boosted with the following talents:

  • Cruel Affliction
  • Black Dragon Training
  • Lin Kuei Tutorage
  • Exposing Weakness
  • Stranglehold

On the enemy's side, her passive can be weakened with the following talents:

  • Hawk Stance
  • Ghost Armor
  • Cyber Lin Kuei Programming
  • Combat Veteran


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against D'Vorah. Having a card that "counters" D'Vorah does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

  • Baraka/Scourge: Because D’Vorah is an Outworld Character, she can give Baraka an additional Combo Ender and bleed stack.
  • D’Vorah/Venomous: When Wretch D’Vorah’s Poison DOTs occur and when her opponents get snared or cursed, Venomous D’Vorah will deal loads of damage against the opponents per negative effects done to them, especially Critical Damage.
  • Kano/Commando: Kano will benefit with the extra 30% critical damage from poisoned opponents which makes him a major threat with the 25% Critical Chance from his Passive.
  • Kotal Kahn/Sun God & Reptile/Nimble: D’Vorah gains 30% Attack from Kotal Kahn and 30% Health from Reptile.
  • Kitana/Mournful, Wrath Hammer & Bloody Tomahawk: D’Vorah starts the match with a Bar of Power for each of these supports.
  • Mileena/Klassic: Because D’Vorah is also a female character, she can regain her health whenever Mileena knocks out an opponent.
  • Mileena/Ravenous: Both D’Vorah and Mileena will deal increased Bleed and Poison damage.
  • Reptile/Klassic: D'Vorah receives immunity to Poison and critical hit chance boost against Poisoned opponents from Reptile. D'Vorah also gives critical damage boost against Poisoned opponents, making them great teammates.
  • Reptile/Noxious: Reptile can boost D’Vorah’s Poison DOT Damage by 30%.

Good Against[]

Countered By[]


Here are D'Vorah's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Bringer of Blight Passive When D'Vorah defeats an opponent, she applies a low/medium/high damage, infinite poison DOT to the opposing team. Her teammates do +10-30% critical damage against enemies affected by poison. Always Active
Extreme Mite First Special Grapple: Medium Damage + Poison Quick Tap
Bug Bomb Second Special High Damage + Snare Quick Tap
Stick Around X-Ray Extreme Damage + Curse Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are D'Vorah's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description
The Swarm Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Appendages Health 3-30% Bonus Health
Dragonfly Wings Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Killer Wasp Equipment 25-45% Recovery boost.

[D'Vorah] 20-30% Special Attack 1 and 2 unblockable chance.

[Fusion Level X] 25% Damage boost against enemies affected by Bleed or Poison.


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 10,413 19,391 7,685 20,880
Fusion I 15,621 29,088 11,528 31,322
Fusion II 20,828 38,783 15,370 41,760
Fusion III 26,034 48,479 19,213 52,202
Fusion IV 31,241 58,174 23,055 62,640
Fusion V 36,448 67,870 26,898 73,082
Fusion VI 41,656 42,871 30,740 83,520
Fusion VII 46,862 87,262 34,583 93,962
Fusion VIII 52,069 96,958 38,425 104,400
Fusion IX 57,276 106,654 42,268 114,842
Fusion X 67,870 137,894 50,085 136,080