Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Edenian tower

Edenian Tower is a new limited-time event introduced in the update 3.3, which represents by a NORMAL and FATAL difficulty towers consisting on 200 battles each. Passing the battles rewards by Koins, Souls, Equipment, exclusive Tower Equipment, Gold and Diamond characters. The battles get progressively harder. When the NORMAL Tower is beaten, it rewards the player with a random Diamond character which has increased chance for Jade/MK11, Kitana/Circle of Shadow and Kitana/Ronin. When FATAL Tower beaten, it rewards player with one of Jade/Assassin, Jade/Day of the Dead, Kitana/Assassin, Kitana/Day of the Dead, Rain/MK11 character and one of Epic Equipment: 2 of them is the parts for Kitana's and Rain's Brutality sets. Plus you will get a random Diamond character for passing 100th battle in FATAL tower.

Event duration:


  • Normal: 07/12/2021 - 09/10/2021
  • Fatal: 07/19/2021 - 09/10/2021


Mechanics are similar to the other limited-time Towers. Refreshes 2 times per day, so that the player can try 5 battles each, giving a total of 10 matches per day (without refreshing) or 30 battles/day if using all refreshes (2 refreshes allowed, 50 Souls each).

Every battle gives a random reward which involves Koins, Souls, Equipment, Level Up Cards, Support Cards, Upgrade Cards (including diamond tier) and Gold characters too, even if the player loses. After boss battles, special rewards are given.

Rewards from Normal Tower bosses:

  • Battle 10 - Silver character card
  • Battle 30, 70, 150, 190 - Uncommon tower equipment card
  • Battle 50, 90 - Basic gold character card
  • Battle 110 - Rare tower equipment card
  • Battle 130, 170 - Challenge gold character card
  • Battle 200 - Diamond character card with increased chance for Jade/MK11, Kitana/Circle of Shadow and Kitana/Ronin

Rewards from Fatal Tower bosses


Name Type Tier Character Effects Picture
Edenian Pie Accessory Uncommon N/A 10-15% Power Generation boost.

10-80% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

20-160% Max health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Fusion Level X] 25% Incoming Damage reduction when user is below 50% of Health.

EdenianPie postEvo
Royal Wine Accessory Uncommon N/A 10-30% Chance to gain Luck on Combo Ender.

10-80% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

20-160% Max health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Fusion Level X] 20% Basic attacks unblockable chance.

Royal Wine postEvo
Traitor's Wreath Accessory Uncommon N/A 40-100% Recovery boost.

10-80% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

20-160% Max health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Fusion Level X] 40% Resistance to Fire and Power Drain.

Traitors Wreath postEvo
Divine Tornadic Pauldron Accessory Rare Rain 15-35% Critical Hit Chance boost.

5-15% Chance to gain Strengthen after user deals Critical Hit or Lethal Damage.

20-150% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

40-300% Max health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[RAIN] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Divine Argus Cloak, any DIAMOND Rain gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] Strengthen buffs can stack 3 times.

DivineTornadicPauldron postEvo
Dynasty Parade Uniform Armor Rare Kitana 20-50% Chance to apply Shield Break on Combo Ender.

35-65% Chance to gain Regeneration for 10sec after performing Special Attack 2.

80-600% Max Health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[KITANA] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Dynasty Mask of Madness, any DIAMOND Kitana gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 20% All Special Attacks damage boost.

DynastyParadeUniform postEvo
Sapphire Dagger Weapon Rare N/A 20-50% Opponent Critical Hit Chance reduction.

10-30% Reduced Power cost on all Special Attacks.

40-300% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Fusion Level X] While user is active, gains 6% Damage boost every 6 sec. Maximum 60% Damage boost. The user looses the stack after tag-out.

SapphireDagger postEvo
Divine Argus Cloak Armor Epic Rain 25-55% Max Health boost.

70-100% Chance to apply random negative effects to an opponent who performed a Block Breaker attack against user. Max 3 negative effects on the opponent simultaneously.

300-1200% Max Health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[RAIN] Whenever Rain applies Soaked there is 20-50% chance it spreads to the whole opponent team.

[RAIN] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Divine Tornadic Pauldron, any DIAMOND Rain gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 15% Chance to gain Invulnerability for 5sec whenever affected by a negative effect.

Divine Argus Cloak postEvo
Dynasty Mask of Madness Accessory Epic Kitana 20-40% Resistance to all debuffs.

Power Drain, Weaken and Shield Break effects applied to the opponent are 15-35% more effective.

75-225% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

150-450% Max Health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[KITANA] After a Special Attack performed against Kitana, she gains 50% Power generation boost.

[KITANA] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Dynasty Parade Uniform, any DIAMOND Kitana gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 30% Chance perform Special Attack 1 with zero Power cost.

DynastyMaskofMadness postEvo
King Jerrod's Spear Weapon Epic N/A 0.5-1.5 Bar of starting Power.

25-50% Chance to apply Snare on any Special Attack.

150-600% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Fusion Level X] 10% Chance Basic Attacks cause Lightning strike that deals 5% max Health damage to the opponent.

King Jerrod s Spear postEvo
Princess Guard Weapon Epic N/A 5-15% Lethal Blow Chance boost.

Special Attack 2 applies Incurability debuff to whole opponent team for 5-15sec. Incurability cancels opponent's healing effects. Any healing, including Recovery, is also restricted while Incurability is active.

150-600% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Fusion Level X] When user applies Lethal Blow, next hit base damage is 150% higher.

Princess Guard postEvo

Edenian equip

