Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Pharaoh Ermac (2.0)
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Gold Outworld Attack: 1225

Health: 980

Toughness: 1025

Recovery: 1050

Power Gen: 110%

450 Souls Challenge Mode, Challenge Pack, Quest Mode (Tower 8: To Defeat A Legion), Elite Outworld Pack

Pharaoh Ermac is the first Ermac character that appears as a challenge character. As such, he possesses higher stats than his previous counterparts, only second to his newer counterpart, Ermac/Klassic. Like the other Ermacs, his passive revolves around dying, albeit it can stack more than once, making this version a very formidable foe to fight against.


Ermac and his teammates gain +15% critical chance and take less damage for every character that is lost on either side or when an enemy resurrects. These effects can stack multiple times additively and is active even when Ermac himself is defeated. If no one on either side has a form of resurrection, the maximum critical chance achieved would be 60%. It is possible to achieve guaranteed crits however, if at least 3 more enemy resurrections happen. Otherwise, players can use equipment that grants critical chance or learn the "Black Dragon Training" talent.

As Ermac and his teammates gain increasing critical chance, it would be recommended to give them talents that revolve around critical damage and if possible, apply curse onto his enemies to make them take more damage from critical hits. Alternatively, gaining luck would temporarily boost a character's crit chance which can stack with Ermac's passive.

Recommended Talents[]

On the player's side, his passive can be boosted with the following talents:

  • Black Dragon Training
  • Lin Kuei Tutorage
  • Shirai Ryu Teachings
  • Boar Stance
  • Combat Veteran
  • Focused

On the enemy's side, his passive can be weakened with the following talents:

  • Ghost Armor
  • Red Dragon Training
  • Hawk Stance
  • Combat Veteran


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Ermac. Having a card that "counters" Ermac does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good with[]

  • Kotal Kahn/Dark Lord: Because of Kotal Kahn's ability to summon 2 Osh-Tekk warriors per battle, he can activate Ermac's passive up to three times. Plus his special 2, with Weaken, combined with Ermac's Passive, can significantly reduce the damage taken.
  • Triborg/Cyrax (LK-4D4): Critical damage is boosted for the entire team.

Good Against[]

  • Characters who resurrect.

Countered By[]


Here are Ermac's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Feast of Souls Passive For every Character that is defeated, and for each opponent that resurrects, your team takes less damage and gains increasing critical hit chance. These effects stack. Upon Teammate Knockout or Enemy Knockout/Resurrect
Lost Souls First Special Medium Damage + Stun Quick Tap
Force Port Second Special High Damage + Curse Swipe
We Are Many X-Ray Extreme Damage + Shield Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Ermac's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Telekinesis Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Ermac damage
Legion of Souls Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Ermac health
Teleportation Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Ermac energy
Soul Medallion Equipment 10-20% Power generation boost.

[Ermac] 10-20% Self heal at the end of Special Attack 3 or X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack.

[Fusion Level X] 50% Reduced Power cost on Special Attack 2.

Soulmedallion ermac post


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 9,450 14,077 5,945 19,488
Fusion I 14,174 21,115 8,918 29,232
Fusion II 18,900 28,153 11,890 38,976
Fusion III 23,624 35,192 14,863 48,720
Fusion IV 28,349 42,230 17,835 58,464
Fusion V 33,074 49,269 20,808 68,208
Fusion VI 37,799 56,306 23,780 77,952
Fusion VII 42,524 63,345 26,753 87,696
Fusion VIII 47,249 70,384 29,725 97,440
Fusion IX 51,973 77,422 32,698 107,184
Fusion X 61,586 100,102 38,745 127,008

