Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Diamond Day of the Dead Erron Black
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Diamond Outworld Attack: 1380

Health: 1310

Toughness: 1500

Recovery: 1380

Power Gen: 110%

N/A Day of the Dead Diamond Pack, Elite Outworld Pack



Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Erron Black. Having a card that "counters" Erron Black does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

Good Against[]

  • Assassin Characters.
  • Characters who have power or X-Ray ready: Erron Black has a chance to inflict power drain to entire team on his special attacks.
  • Sub-Zero/Kold War: Erron Black has a chance to use his special attacks without power, which is useful against Sub-Zero's power generation reduction.

Countered By[]

  • Kold War Characters.
  • Cassie Cage/Undercover, Kitana/Ronin, Katana & Champion's Nunchaku: All of these characters and equipment pieces deal more damage versus Outworld cards, which include Erron Black.
  • Jacqui Briggs/Kosplay: Jacqui's Rain and Sub-Zero variations have advantages over Outworld characters, which include Erron Black.
  • Jason Voorhees/Nightmare: Because Jason is not an Assassin character, he can evade Erron Black's Special Attacks and Day of the Dead teammate Special Attack Assists when Erron Black dies.
  • Kano/Commando: Kano is immune to Erron Black's Blind on Special 2.
  • Liu Kang/Klassic, Raiden/Dark, & Raiden/MK11: All of these characters are immune to Erron Black's Power Drain upon use of his Passive. Dark Raiden reverses the power drain effects, MK11 Raiden spreads power drain immunity to MK11 teammates, and Liu Kang gains basic attack damage boost from power drain.


Here are Erron Black's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Undead Bandit Passive When using special attacks, Day of the Dead Erron Black has a 20-40% chance to get them for free and power drain the opponent. When this happens, 30% of the time he will power drain the whole opponent team. When defeated, Erron Black's ghost has a 20-50% chance to assist Day of the Dead characters on combo enders and special attacks.

Opponent Assassin Characters have dodge chance reduced by 10%.

Upon Special Attack use, When knocked out
Sand Slide First Special Medium Damage Target
Lead Overdose Second Special High Damage + Blind Target (x2)
Trick Shot X-Ray Extreme Damage + Luck Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Erron Black's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Gunslinger Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Eb damage
Nomad Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Eb health
Longevity Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Eb energy
Revolvers Equipment 25-45% Unblockable chance on basic attacks.

[Erron Black] 10-20% Special Attack 1 And 2 damage boost.

[Fusion Level X] 25% Critical Hit Chance boost.

Pistols post
Varmint's Lucky Hat Equipment 10-20% Chance to steal 2% of opponent's max Power on Basic Attacks.

On tag-out gain 10-20sec of Team Shield.

20-150% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.

40-300% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.

[Erron Black] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Varmint's Ace In The Hole, any DIAMOND Erron Black gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] All opponent team's characters need to collect 30% more Power to fill up each Power bar.

Ew varmints lucky hat PostEvo
Varmint's Ace In The Hole Equipment 200-300% Recovery boost.

Apply Shield Break on opponent's tag-in for 5-15sec.

300-1200% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.

[Erron Black] For 3 times during the match on tag-in, Erron Black challenges his opponent to duel that they cannot escape for 10-20sec. While the duel lasts, Erron Black has 70% chance to dodge any Special Attack. Each time Erron Black manages to kill his enemy during the duel, he gains 20-30% Critical Hit Chance boost till the end of the match. Erron Black loses if he tags out during the duel.

[Erron Black] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Varmint's Lucky Hat, any DIAMOND Erron Black gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] Once per match when the character receives fatal damage gain Invulnerability for 10sec and 1 bar of Power for your last shot. Character is not able to tag out during Invulnerability.

Ew varmints ace PostEvo


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 10,645 18,817 8,700 25,613
Fusion I 15,968 28,225 13,050 38,419
Fusion II 21,291 37,634 17,400 51,226
Fusion III 26,613 47,024 21,750 64,032
Fusion IV 31,936 56,451 26,100 76,838
Fusion V 37,259 65,869 30,450 89,645
Fusion VI 42,581 75,267 34,800 102,451
Fusion VII 47,904 84,676 39,150 115,258
Fusion VIII 53,227 94,084 43,500 128,064
Fusion IX 58,549 103,493 47,850 140,870
Fusion X 69,378 133,809 56,700 166,925

Prior to Update 2.0, these are his original stats as a Gold Character.

Attack Health Toughness Recovery
1100 1050 1200 1100



  • Prior to Update 2.0, his passive was Undead Bandit: When using Special Attacks, Erron Black has a 30% chance to get it for free, Power Drain the opponent, and a chance to Power Drain the entire opposing team. When defeated, Erron Black's ghost has a 30% chance to assist Day of the Dead Characters on Combo Enders and Special Attacks.
  • Prior to Update 2.0, he costed 435 Souls.