Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Strike Force Johnny Cage v1
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Diamond Spec Ops Attack: 1230

Health: 1230

Toughness: 1320

Recovery: 1320

Power Gen: 100%

N/A Strike Force Diamond Pack, Elite Spec Ops Pack


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Johnny Cage. Having a card that "counters" Johnny Cage does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good with[]

Good against[]

Countered by[]

  • Jade/Klassic: Jade and her Klassic teammates are immune to Snare.
  • Raiden/Dark and Raiden/MK11: Both are immune to Power Drain, with Raiden/Dark reversing the effect and Raiden/MK11 spreading the immunity to MK11 teammates.
  • Tanya/Treacherous: Tanya reduces the effects of Power Drain.


Here are Johnny Cage's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Undead Hunter Passive If an opponent resurrects, Johnny instantly gains 1 bar of power. Strike Force Johnny Cage gains up to +50-100% damage and +15-25% power generation as he loses health. All Strike Force teammates do +10-30% damage vs. Netherrealm characters.

Strike Force Characters do 10% more damage vs. Ronin Characters.

Always Active
Kracker First Special Medium Damage + Power Drain Quick Tap
Shadow Dropkick Second Special High Damage + Snare Swipe
Kasting Kall X-Ray Extreme Damage + Strengthen Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Johnny Cage's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Seido Training Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Johnnycage damage
Does His Own Stunts Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Johnnycage health
A-Lister Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Johnnycage energy
Subtle Tattoo Equipment 25-45% Recovery boost.

[JOHNNY CAGE] 40-60% Basic attack damage boost.
[Fusion Level X] 50% Reduced Power cost on Special Attack 2.

Subtletattoo johnnycage post
Famous Dashing Smile Equipment 50-150% Combo Ender damage boost.

20-40% Chance to apply Incurability debuff to the whole team for 10sec on Special Attack 1.

40-300% Damage boost. Earthrealm Tower only.

[JOHNNY CAGE] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Famous Fashion Dominator, any DIAMOND Johnny Cage gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] Gain 30% more Power from hitting an opponent. Opponent doesn't get Power from those hits.

Earth famous dashing smile PostEvo
Famous Fashion Dominator Equipment 35-55% Max Health boost.

40-70% Chance to apply Blind to an opponent for using a Special Attack against the user.

300-1200% Max Health boost. Earthrealm Tower only.

[JOHNNY CAGE] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Famous Dashing Smile, any DIAMOND Johnny Cage gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[JOHNNY CAGE] 5-10% Power generation boost after performing a successful Special Attack. Stackes up to 5 times.

[Fusion Level X] Gain Energy Shield when below 80% Health. Energy Shield reduced all incoming damage when user loses health. Maximum reduction - 50% at 20% Health and below.

Earth famous fashion dominator PostEvo


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 9,488 17,668 7,656 24,499
Fusion I 14,232 26,502 11,484 36,749
Fusion II 18,976 35,335 15,312 48,998
Fusion III 23,721 44,169 19,140 61,248
Fusion IV 28,465 53,003 22,968 73,498
Fusion V 33,209 61,837 26,796 85,747
Fusion VI 37,953 70,671 30,624 97,997
Fusion VII 42,697 79,505 34,452 110,246
Fusion VIII 47,441 88,339 38,280 122,496
Fusion IX 52,185 97,172 42,108 134,746
Fusion X 61,837 125,637 49,896 159,667

Prior to Update 2.0, these are his original stats as a Gold Character.

Attack Health Toughness Recovery
980 980 1050 1050



  • Prior to Update 2.0, his passive was Undead Hunter: Johnny does +30% DAMAGE vs. Netherrealm. If an opponent resurrects, Johnny instantly gains 50% power.
  • Prior to Update 2.0, he cost 368 Souls.
  • Prior to Update 2.4, he was known as Johnny Cage/Undead Hunter.