Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Diamond Outworld Attack: 1460

Health: 1500

Toughness: 1500

Recovery: 1450

Power Gen: 130%

N/A Black Dragon Diamond Pack, Tower of Horror


While Kabal has a passive that can work in his own right, he fully functions well when paired with other Black Dragon teammates.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Kabal. Having a card that "counters" Kabal does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

  • Black Dragon Characters.
  • Critical hit chance equipments: Critical hits will be useful for Kabal since he has Curse on his tag-in. Also, increased critical hits let Kabal gain Speed buff from his brutality equipment Nomad's Buzz Saw more frequently.
  • Kitana/Day of the Dead: Kabal can receive Regen from Kitana.
  • Reptile/Klassic: Kabal gains immunity to Poison and increased critical hit chance to poisoned opponents from Reptile. The synergy is further increased if one of them is equipped with Kabal's brutality set.
  • Raiden/Injustice 2 : Kabal can spam his SP1’s krushing blow over and over again while Raiden assisting him by stunning the enemy.

Good Against[]

  • Critical and Lethal attacks: With his signature equipment Respirator, Kabal takes less damage from these attacks.
  • Jade/Assassin, Jason Voorhees/Nightmare, Varan Jacket and Dark Mantle equipments, Erron Black with Varmint’s Ace in the Hole: These characters and equipment pieces are unable to evade combo enders and special attacks from Kabal and his Black Dragon teammates. To make things worse, they are more vulnerable to Kabal's Fatal Blow upon Black Dragon teammate knockout.

Countered By[]

  • Jade/Klassic: Jade and her Klassic teammates are immune to Kabal's Snare.
  • Liu Kang/Klassic: Liu Kang turns Kabal’s Krushing Blow Bleed into Critical Attack Boosts without dealing too much damage.
  • Mileena/Piercing: Mileena gains a Bar of Power from Kabal’s Krushing Blow on Special 1.
  • Sonya Blade/Kombat Cup: Sonya is immune to Kabal’s Stuns.
  • Raiden/Dark & Jade/MK11: Both characters can heal from Kabal’s Krushing Blow Bleed on Special 1 with Jade spreading this to MK11 teammates.
  • Terminator/Dark Fate: Terminator can evade Kabal’s Krushing Blow on Special 1, as well as his Fatal Blow upon Black Dragon Teammate knockout.
  • Divine Argus Cloak equipment: This equipment applies random debuffs on unblockable attacks.
  • Centaurian Defense talent: This talent can reflect Kabal's unblockable attack damages.


Here are Kabal's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Outrun Death Passive On Tag-in, Kabal stuns and curses the opponent. When reduced to below 50% health, Kabal gets 15-35% chance for unblockable attacks. When a Black Dragon teammate is defeated, Kabal will tag-in and if unblocked, will perform his Fatal Blow attack. Black Dragon teammate combo enders and special attacks count as sneak attacks (cannot be dodged). Upon tag-in, Upon teammate KO
Buzzsaw Trio First Special Medium Damage + Snare Spin Tap
Merry Go Round Second Special Grapple: High Damage + Speed Double Spin Tap
Around the World Fatal Blow Extreme Damage + Power Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Kabal's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Hook Swords Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Kabal damage
Black Dragon Member Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Kabal health
Nomad Dash Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Kabal energy
Respirator Equipment Critical damage received is reduced by 25-50%

[KABAL] 10-30% Health Regen over 5-15s after X-Ray/Fatal Blow attacks
[Fusion Level X] Lethal Blow damage received is reduced by 75%

Respirator kabal post
Nomad's Deadly Vapors Equipment

20-80% Chance to apply Poison for 6 seconds to the active enemy at the start of the match when equipped on active fighter.

10-25% Chance to apply Poison to the enemy after gaining Speed.

15-155% Damage boost. Black Dragon Tower only.

30-310% Health boost. Black Dragon Tower only.

[KABAL] [SET] If this is equipped along with Nomad's Buzz Saw, Diamond Character gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If it is the last opponent and they are under 25% health, Character performs a Brutality instead, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 40% Damage boost against enemies affected by Poison.

DeadlyVapors postEvo
Nomad's Buzz Saw Equipment

20-50% Chance to gain Speed after a successful critical hit.

Poison applies to the enemy lasts 60-120% longer.

150-600% Damage boost. Black Dragon Tower only.

[KABAL] [SET] If this is equipped along with Nomad's Deadly Vapors, Diamond Character gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If it is the last opponent and they are under 25% health, Character performs a Brutality instead, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] Gain 2 Bars of Power after a teammate is defeated.

BuzzSaw postEvo


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 11,262 24,546 8,700 26,912
Fusion I 16,894 32,319 13,050 40,368
Fusion II 22,525 43,092 17,400 53,824
Fusion III 28,156 53,865 21,750 67,280
Fusion IV 33,787 64,638 26,100 80,736
Fusion V 39,419 75,411 30,450 94,192
Fusion VI 45,050 86,184 34,800 107,648
Fusion VII 50,681 96,957 39,150 121,104
Fusion VIII 56,312 107,730 43,500 134,560
Fusion IX 61,943 118,503 47,850 148,016
Fusion X 73,400 153,216 56,700 175,392



  • The Fatal Blow from both his passive and normal usage have different starting animations.
  • Black Dragon Kabal's Elder God Victory Stance "X Marks the Spot" is his Victory Cinematic from MK11, named "Chopped".
  • Black Dragon Kabal's skin is mobile game only, as it is his Revenant outfit but with human body. His appearance consists of these kustomization from MK11:
    • Face Shield: Klassic Kabal
    • Hook Swords: Blades of Vengeance
    • Gas Canister: Albuterol