Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Diamond Day of the Dead Kitana
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Diamond Outworld Attack: 1250

Health: 1190

Toughness: 1440

Recovery: 1630

Power Gen: 100%

N/A Day of the Dead Diamond Pack, Elite Outworld Pack, Gold Female Ninja Pack



Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Kitana. Having a card that "counters" Kitana does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

  • Any Outworld characters.
  • Day of the Dead Characters.
  • Mileena/Ravenous & Reptile/Noxious: Both of these characters increase damage of Poison DOT of Kitana's Special Attack 2, also they can get regeneration from Kitana when anyone gets knocked out.
  • Reptile/Klassic: Kitana gains immunity to Poison, which prevents Kitana's regeneration to get interrupted, and increased critical hit chance to poisoned opponents from Reptile.
  • Dynasty Brutality Set: Kitana can apply Shield Break on Kombo Ender and Regeneration on Special 2 by chance and when it’s at Fusion X, increase her Special Attack Damage Boost by 20% thanks to the Parade Uniform. Kitana is also granted Resistance to debuffs, extra effectiveness on her power drain, weaken and shield break debuffs that she applies, gains 50% power generation whenever she gets hit by a special attack and when it’s at Fusion X, can perform Special 1 with no power cost, by chance. Even outside of the Edenian Towers, Day of the Dead Kitana will still be a massive nuisance if she is equipped with both of these gears.

Good Against[]

Countered By[]

  • Characters who can poison, most notably Reptile.
  • Incurability.
  • Kold War Characters.
  • Cassie Cage/Undercover, Kitana/Ronin, Katana & Champion's Nunchaku: All of these characters and the equipment pieces deal more damage versus Outworld cards, which include Kitana.
  • D'Vorah/Prime, D'Vorah/Swarm Queen & Reptile/Klassic: All these characters are immune to poison from Kitana's Special Attack 2, with Reptile sharing this immunity to Outworld teammates.
  • Jacqui Briggs/Kosplay: Jacqui's Rain and Sub-Zero variations have advantages over Outworld characters, which include Kitana.
  • The Joker/Ace of Knaves: The Venom Deck Kards with Joker’s Juice can disable Kitana’s healing, blind her and damage her over time, even when she is a BOSS.


Here are Kitana's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Lady of the Dead Passive On enemy resurrection and when anyone is defeated, Kitana and Outworld teammates receive regen that recovers 20-40% of their health over 5-10 seconds. Day of the Dead Kitana is immune to bleed.

Opponent Assassin Characters have dodge chance reduced by 10%.

Upon Any Knockout or Opponent Resurrection
Vortex First Special Medium Damage + Weaken Quick Tap
Ancestral Celebration Second Special High Damage + Poison Double Spin Tap
Slice and Dice X-Ray Extreme Damage + Blind Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Kitana's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Exotic Weapon Master Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Kitana damage
Edenian Royalty Health 3-30% Bonus Health
Kitana health
Kiss of Death Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Kitana energy
Bladed Fan Equipment

25-45% Unblockable chance on basic attacks.

[Kitana] 15-25% Chance to reflect 100% Special Attack damage when blocking.

[Fusion Level X] 25% Chance to convert 50% damage to health on Special Attack 1.

Bladedfan kitana post
Dynasty Parade Uniform Equipment 20-50% Chance to apply Shield Break on Combo Ender.

35-65% Chance to gain Regeneration for 10sec after performing Special Attack 2.

80-600% Max Health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Kitana] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Dynasty Mask of Madness, any DIAMOND Kitana gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 20% All Special Attacks damage boost.

DynastyParadeUniform postEvo
Dynasty Mask of Madness Equipment 20-40% Resistance to all debuffs.

Power Drain, Weaken and Shield Break effects applied to the opponent are 15-35% more effective.

75-225% Damage boost. Edenian Tower only.

150-450% Max Health boost. Edenian Tower only.

[Kitana] After a Special Attack performed against Kitana, she gains 50% Power generation boost.

[Kitana] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Dynasty Parade Uniform, any DIAMOND Kitana gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 30% Chance perform Special Attack 1 with zero Power cost.

DynastyMaskofMadness postEvo


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 9,642 17,093 8,352 30,253
Fusion I 14,464 25,640 12,528 45,379
Fusion II 19,285 34,186 16,704 60,506
Fusion III 24,106 42,733 20,880 75,632
Fusion IV 28,928 51,279 25,056 90,758
Fusion V 33,749 59,826 29,232 105,885
Fusion VI 38,570 68,373 33,408 121,011
Fusion VII 43,391 76,919 37,584 136,138
Fusion VIII 48,212 85,466 41,760 151,264
Fusion IX 53,034 94,012 45,936 166,390
Fusion X 62,843 121,551 54,432 197,165

Prior to Update 2.0, these are her original stats as a Gold Character.

Attack Health Toughness Recovery
1000 950 1150 1300



  • Prior to Update 2.0, her passive was Lady of the Dead: On enemy resurrection and when anyone is defeated, Kitana and Outworld teammates receive REGEN over 5 seconds.
  • Prior to Update 2.0, she costed 410 Souls.