Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Diamond Martial Artist/Elder God Attack: 1530

Health: 1390

Toughness: 1400

Recovery: 1400

Power Gen: 120%

N/A Divine Storm Pack


Here are Raiden's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
I Don't Think So Passive With a long tap on the screen with one finger, Raiden can accumulate Thunderstorm Energy to unleash crushing damage on the enemy, taking 4-10% of the boss's SP and 10-30% of the regular enemy's HP and applying Slow. During the energy accumulation, Raiden is especially vulnerable and any Basic or Special Attack can interrupt his concentration, deal increased damage and energy will need to be accumulated again.

After performing Electric Rage (Special Attack 2), the enemy is enveloped in a lightning trap that prevents them from taking any action. The enemy can try to escape faster than the lightning will disperse on its own by beating the mini-game.

Defenders of the Earth Realm, winners of the tournament and their brave descendants receive +50% Basic Attack damage boost, and those who defeated the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung and saved the Earth Realm receive +10% Power generation.

Tapping screen, on SP2
Electric Fly First Special Medium Damage + Dispel Quick Tap
Electric Rage Second Special High Damage Quick Tap
Thunder Take You Fatal Blow Extreme Damage + Power Drain Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Raiden's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description
God of Thunder Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Lightning Teleport Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Ally: Fujin, God of Wind Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Storm Hat Equipment

25-45% Toughness boost.

[Raiden] 10-20% X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack damage boost.

[Fusion Level X] 20% Power generation boost.

Thunder Lord's Sigil Equipment

Deal 5-15% of non-boss opponents' health as additional damage on Stun.

10-20% X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack damage boost.

20-150% Damage boost. Nightmare Tower only.

40-300% Max health boost. Nightmare Tower only.

[Raiden] [Set] If this is equipped alongside Thunder Lord's Stormweaver any DIAMOND Raiden gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 15% health, Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] For each debuff removed by Dispel, gain 1 Strengthen buff. Strengthen buffs stack.

Thunder Lord's Stormweaver Equipment

15-25% Attack boost.

30-100% Chance to gain Dispel after performing a Special Attack.

150-600% Damage boost. Nightmare Tower only.

[Raiden] 10-30% Chance lightning will strike the opponent on basic attack, dealing additional Damage.

[Raiden] [Set] If this equipped alongside Thunder Lord's Sigil, any DIAMOND Raiden gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.

[Fusion Level X] 1.5 Bar of starting Power.


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 11,802 19,966 8,120 25,984
Fusion I 17,704 29,949 12,180 38,976
Fusion II 23,605 39,932 16,240 51,968
Fusion III 29,506 49,915 20,300 64,960
Fusion IV 35,407 59,898 24,360 77,952
Fusion V 41,308 69,881 28,420 90,944
Fusion VI 47,210 79,864 32,480 103,936
Fusion VII 53,111 89,847 36,540 116,928
Fusion VIII 59,012 99,830 40,600 129,920
Fusion IX 64,913 109,813 44,660 142,912
Fusion X 76,919 141,980 52,920 169,344

