Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Kraken Reptile
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Gold Outworld Attack: 850

Health: 1100

Toughness: 1100

Recovery: 1020

Power Gen: 100%

450 Souls Challenge Mode, Challenge Pack, Quest Mode (Tower 2, Quest 12), Elite Outworld Pack


He is not one of the best challenge characters in the game, his stats are low and his passive is not that powerful, so it is advised to play him only as a defensive tank or sponge. He reflects any kind of attack: basic, specials and X-rays/Fatal Blow attacks, he can reflect the most damage when not blocking; however that is dangerous unless counting with a successful saving such as the Revenant talent or any resurrect mean, and it's recommended to fully block basic attacks since the passive reflects their attacks more efficiently. The damage reflected is quite lower than the damage received. It's recommended to use him to keep your other characters safe from SP2 or X-rays from opponents, and you will have better results if equipping him with the Living Dead or Frost Orb pieces, having Revenant talent or having Quan Chi/Warlock as teammate, so this way he can reflect the most damage while avoiding death. However, if you are going to use him as an attacker, his Special Attacks are really good: Poison on SP1 which deals a good damage and Slowness on SP2.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Reptile. Having a card that "counters" Reptile does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good with[]

Good Against[]

Countered by[]


Here are Reptile's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Acidic Blood Passive When Reptile is hit by any attack, there is a chance acid blood splashes the enemy dealing unavoidable damage. Always Active
Acid Puke First Special Medium Damage + Poison Target
Carnivore Bash Second Special High Damage + Slow Rapid Tap
Extinction Event X-Ray Extreme Damage + Regen Tap

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Reptile's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Venomous Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Reptile damage
Broodmate: Khameleon Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Reptile health
Zaterra Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Reptile energy
Saurian Armor Equipment 15-35% Max health boost.

[Reptile] 10-20% Self heal at the end of Special Attack 3 or X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack.
[Fusion Level X] 50% Recovery boost.

Saurianarmor reptile post


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal 6,557 15,801 6,380 18,931
Fusion I 9,835 23,701 9,570 28,397
Fusion II 13,114 31,601 12,760 37,862
Fusion III 16,392 39,501 15,950 47,328
Fusion IV 19,671 47,402 19,140 56,794
Fusion V 22,950 55,302 22,330 66,259
Fusion VI 26,228 63,202 25,520 75,725
Fusion VII 29,506 71,102 28,710 85,190
Fusion VIII 32,785 79,003 31,900 94,656
Fusion IX 35,851 86,902 35,090 104,122
Fusion X 42,733 112,358 41,580 123,379


