Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia

Patch 1.19 is an update that adds a brand new feature of customization to the game.


Update Changes[]

  • A new customisation feature called "Feats of Strength" has been added. This allows a player to customise their characters and War Banner via completing feats.
    • To complement with the change, the Victory screen has been changed.
  • The Challenge Pack, Elite Pack and the Blood Ruby Kard Pack have their contents updated.
  • Players can no longer obtain 2 Blood Ruby Kard Packs even if they reach Kontender Elite or above.
  • Sonya Blade/Kombat Cup's passive now has a visual effect.
  • Characters' passives are now taken into consideration for Quest Mode.
  • Tapping on 'Start Quest' at the "Claim Potion" page will now immediately start the quest.
  • Ally Points are removed from the game. Players would get to spend their remaining Ally Points on multiple Alliance Packs before it disappears.
    • Due to this, Alliance Packs are now free to purchase once every 4 hours.