Patch 2.1.2 is a minor update that upgrades and convert 2 store characters and a exclusive into challenge characters.
Update changes[]
- D'Vorah/Venomous, Kitana/Mournful and Mileena/Klassic has been converted into challenge characters.
- All three have received upgraded stats.
- D'Vorah/Venomous's passive has slightly changed, whereas she can now stack her Poison DOT twice.
- Raiden/MK11's passive has been changed, he now requires only 3 combo enders to permanently disable the opponent's combo enders.
- The Jason Voorhees Kombat Pack now costs 220 Souls instead of 200.
- Additionally, it has been renamed to the "Slasher Jason Voorhees Pack".
- Takeda/Shirai Ryu's challenge requirements has been made more restrictive.
- Liu Kang/Klassic suffers from a bug where his Cripple on tag-in doesn't work. This also extends to his teammates.
- During the victory screen, any Shokan characters (e.g. Goro) that appears on the right will stand out even more for some odd reason.
- There's currently a bug where Boss Kraken Reptile's acid blood deals an immense amount of reflect damage.
- There's also a bug where when Boss Dark Lord Kotal Kahn use Special 2, the game crashes instead of summoning in his minions.